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[China Home textile group visited Gaoyang County textile industry cluster]
Release date:[2024/4/19] Read a total of[70]time

On April 9, Liu Zhaoxiang, vice president of China Home Textile Industry Association, and Wu Yongqian led a team to visit Gaoyang County and conducted in-depth research on the development of Gaoyang textile industry cluster. The research aims to launch the "2024 Towel Industry Report" and seek relevant suggestions from the delegates, while conducting in-depth research on the development of Gaoyang industrial cluster, comprehensively grasp the scientific and technological innovation trend of Gaoyang textile industry, and seek a sustainable, healthy and rapid development of the industry.

Sun Haijian, deputy head of Gaoyang County Government, Hu Changlu, director of the County Industry and Information Technology Bureau, Zhang Ruichun, president of the county Towel Industry Association, and leaders of Sanli, Bailixin, Yongliang, Kaaman, Sanmi Qing and other enterprises attended the forum.

At the meeting, according to the development of Gaoyang textile industry cluster, the participants carried out a warm and in-depth discussion on the layout of the "2024 towel Industry Report" around the towel production capacity scale, market space, hot issues, brand construction and modern industrial system construction, and fully discussed and prospected the new positioning of Gaoyang County industrial cluster development. After the symposium, the researchers went to the key enterprises for field visits.

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