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[Remember! Don't let the polypropylene and silks get exposed to the sun for a long time!]
Release date:[2019/11/5] Read a total of[460]time

Sometimes, we will encounter the problem of polypropylene and crepe rot, which often makes us caught off guard and I don't know how to solve it.

Many people think that as long as they don't touch the water, they can prevent decay. However, although the polypropylene plus silk does not absorb water, it has a disadvantage that it is afraid of light. Long-term direct sunlight will directly reduce its use time. Because polypropylene twisted silk is made of polypropylene, this material can't withstand high temperature, so when it is exposed to the sun for a long time, the service life will be greatly reduced, and it will not achieve the purpose of delaying its life.

Polypropylene twisted silk is a fiber obtained by processing polypropylene. Its fineness can be compared with that of cotton, but it is chemically synthesized, so it also has many fibers made of cotton and linen. The function that can not be reached, such as its poor thermal conductivity, so it can be made into insulation fabric; and its density is low, so the weight is lighter than the weight of cotton; the main thing is that it is strong enough to withstand Great pull and wear resistance are also very good, so the clothes and pants made are very durable, so they are widely used.

Features of polypropylene plus twist:

First of all, the production process of polypropylene twisted silk is very simple. Products that are easy to produce will have very cheap features. It is because it is so cheap, so this product is cheaper in daily life.

Polypropylene and twisted silk are widely used. They are the most commonly used four-fiber materials in China and abroad. Due to their light weight, quick and easy production, low cost, good toughness and high strength, polypropylene is widely used in processing materials. Favor.

Not only the above-mentioned examples include polypropylene twisted yarn, but even the clothes on our body may contain polypropylene and twisted silk. Its lighter texture and convenient processing make it widely used in sports. Sportswear, sweatpants, gloves and socks.

The unique performance characteristics of polypropylene plus silk create a wide range of different applications. Today, we can also delve into it and discover more hidden uses.

On the strength of polypropylene plus silk, you have to Huai'an Jiatai New Fiber Co., Ltd.! With rich production experience, advanced production equipment, perfect production management system, the production of high-strength polypropylene yarn, polypropylene thread, polypropylene high-strength yarn, polypropylene industrial yarn and other products are deeply loved by customers.

If you want high-quality, high-cost and cost-effective polypropylene twisted silk, then come to Huai'an Jiatai, it will definitely make you satisfied.

For more product information, please contact: Zeng Manager 189 1207 299 Website:

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